Overunity usually evokes shock and disdain among those weary of too much liberalism applied to science. But what if an ideal thundercloud manages to magnify the initial conditions of its formation in a manner akin to negative resistance in which – rather than reducing amperage – resistance accelerates amperage without the lack of voltage interceding? In other words, no largess of resistance, nor lack of voltage, can disallow the acceleration of amperage undergoing the phenomenon known as
negative resistance. On the contrary, normal resistance magnifies amperage when compressed under extreme pressure due to voltage having no where to discharge its energy. Thus, any occasional discharge – as from a lightning bolt – accelerates itself as if a small break or crack had erupted somewhere along the length of a garden hose whose water pressure has built up to excessive levels. Such a break – (in a stopped) garden hose or in any other compressed medium, such as: any areas of high pressure within a thundercloud – does not need a return path to complete a circuit despite conventional wisdom erroneously applying closed loop mentality to all electrical circuits regardless of need.
A gas discharge tube, such as: a neon bulb or a fluorescent tube considered separate from its ballast, exhibits negative resistance. And an ionized plasma formation within a thundercloud is a natural formation of a manmade gas discharge tube.
Such is the foundation for my presentation, below, offered for your mild amusement or edification – hopefully not for your disdain.
Also ...
I developed this model of an ideal thundercloud in resonant oscillation with its immediate surroundings loosely derived from Eric Dollard's model of an LMD analog computer emulating a Tesla coil.
LMD - Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric
TEM - Transverse Electro-Magnetic
Cradle exhibits transverse waves at either end while the energy
translates into a longitudinal shock wave in resonance with the
compressed medium in the center through which it must pass.
ideal thundercloud (acting as an oscillator) will resonate its
lightning discharges through the two inductors leading to ground -
named in this model: 'lightning discharge' and 'lightning discharge
#2' - and develop magnitudes of energy similar to this model.