The internal resistance of an ideal current source is infinite. An independent current source with zero current is identical to an ideal open circuit. The voltage across an ideal current source is completely determined by the circuit it is connected to. When connected to a short circuit, there is zero voltage and thus zero power delivered. When connected to a load resistance, the voltage across the source approaches infinity as the load resistance approaches infinity (an open circuit). Thus, an ideal current source, if such a thing existed in reality, could supply unlimited power and so would represent an unlimited source of energy. - Wikipedia
Wikipedia actually defines free and unlimited energy as an ideal constant source of current under variable conditions of a load's resistance (what we would call an electrical appliance taxed to the max!). Since Paul Falstad already offers this as a standard component in his Electronic Simulator...
Then it's no surprise that I've never used it to develop overunity devices since it's already there ready to use!
But such things don't exist in the real world or else we'd hear about it, right? As something other than fables or stories?
Joseph Newman has managed to accomplish this with his Energy Machine as described in his most recent edition of his book...
And of course, Tesla invented one such device reported to us by an electrical engineer during a demonstration over a hundred years ago...
Naturally I'd be remiss not to share with you my glee in discovering that one of my creations actually performs a relatively constant output of energy especially whenever the load becomes very large...
And I'd be further remiss if I didn't try my luck at posting my research on Wikipedia...
Let's see how long it lasts before getting yanked off for the usual reasons, such as...
"There's no such thing as a free lunch", and
"Energy out must equal energy in", and so forth and so on, yada, yada, yada...