Sunday, August 26, 2018

A Realistic Speculation of Tesla's EV Conversion of a Pierce-Arrow in 1931

I certainly can't say that I know what happened. But I'll speculate that Tesla's purchase of 12 radio tubes and some wire in a Buffalo, New York, electronics shop was to hide what really went inside his mysterious box: a bank of parallel capacitors precharged overnight at his hotel room with whatever voltage he needed to provide sufficient torque to run the A/C motor in his EV conversion of a 1931 Pierce-Arrow weighing in at over four thousand pounds. That's what my simulation suggests to me.

The remainder of the circuit merely supplies current dominating over voltage as the byproduct of a surge which can escalate towards infinite gain and at a rate which could become explosive if it were not for the six volt batteries acting as anchor weights on a 85% clocked duty cycle. Any voltage source is also a voltage regulator. Especially A/C voltage sources since they're already regulated as a sinewave. D/C voltage sources have no waveform. So, they tend to create surges (parasitic transients) more readily than do A/C voltage sources.

I wish I knew why simulators can exhibit parametric oscillations despite our lack of formal education on this topic for this is where 'overunity' and 'free energy' occur from. I have yet to see any instance that suggests otherwise.

It is this lack of information that leaves people to speculate, sometimes wildly, why free energy can exist at all. Certainly, the reactive nature of capacitors (in particular) suggest a reason for the birth of new terminology, such as the word: "radiant" energy.

Except for the stress which reactance imposes on a circuit's components, energy is truly free in that its ultimate source and goal is itself. In other words, energy comes from itself whenever it is synthesized and returns to itself whenever it decomposes. This would explain why energy can seemingly appear from out of nowhere or disappear into nowhere when in reality it doesn't have to go anywhere. It's already here and stays here, omnipresent, throughout all of Creation.

Decomposition must not be confused with thermodynamic losses for the latter is merely the transfer of energy from one location to another. Decomposition is not a transfer; it is a convergence of energy into a singularity reducing the quantity of energy available. Likewise, synthesis is a divergence out of singularities spawning multiplicities of energy.

So, energy is never created nor is it destroyed. It is always with us. But we must recognize a game of charade ensues whenever we consider the flexible nature to energy's quantity. This is mathematically modeled by the cardinal sets of infinite series designated by the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet: Aleph. Aleph allows for singular infinities becoming multiple entities each infinity unique with its own identity.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

How to Operate a Parametric LMD Satisfying an AC Oriented, EV Motor

A silent demonstration of running a simulation of a parametric oscillation surging upwards to any value of current desired (as measured in amperage). Then, drain the surge and adjust the voltage. It's that easy!

For more information, please visit...

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Explanation of Parametric Oscillations in Eric Dollard’s LMD Analog Computer.

The synthesis of electrical energy is made more likely using Eric Dollard's analog computer in LMD mode: Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric. This video attempts to explain the mechanics of how this subcircuit can parametrically amplify power -- mostly resulting in voltage dominating over current. This is achieved through the use of a pair of caps and a pair of coils with impedance matching.

Or, to put it more thoroughly...
Infinity and Maya blend in electricity. We don't know it yet for our collective awareness is largely unconsciously avoiding knowledge and recognition of the gap between the Absolute and the Relative which I know to be Dharma, itself. This gap has a bidirectional interplay in which the Absolute is forever tugging on the Relative to transcend while the Relative is constantly tugging on the Absolute to manifest itself.

Eric Dollard quantifies this dual nature of Dharma by calling it the synthesis versus the decomposition of electrical energy. But mechanical energy can just as easily undergo parametric excitation since electrodynamics, at a fundamental level, is largely mechanical in nature.

The concern, among traditionalists, that energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed have never transcended. For if they have, and become more familiar with it, their minds would accept the notion that Maya is a game in which the goal to satisfy the senses and material mentality is to deny God, deny Infinity, and relegate everything to finite quantities which can be countable. Yet, cardinal number sets in Mathematics, allows for the countability of Infinity and designates the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph, as the symbol for each unique identity of infinite caliber. This is the game of Maya: to make countable the non-measurable Infinite.

It is this interface between Maya and the Absolute which electricity partakes of making the synthesis and decomposition of energy possible since 'free energy' does not go anywhere nor does it come from anywhere else. It comes from energy already in existence. It comes from itself and returns to itself.

This is how energy manifests and transcends. The scientists don't know this yet (some do) since corporate and consumer materialism rules our collective consciousness along with all of the limitations which are automatic to materialism, such as: limitations.

Karma is a limitation. And Charlie Lutes would always equate - for all practical purposes - karma with consciousness. So, it's not everyone's karma to grapple with the exclusion within the Conservation of Energy (within the human endeavor of physics) put forward by Emmy Noether which both defines Conservation of Energy using time as an absolute (non-varying) reference frame, yet also allows for the exemption of energy from this law when time is not steady.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Synthesis of Electricity from Caps and Coils

In homage to Eric Dollard's statement during one of his earlier lectures, either History and Theory of Electricity or Origin of Energy Synthesis - I don't recall, in which he says that mere capacitors and coils can be used to synthesize electricity, and since I'm still endeavoring to get a theoretical handle on the LMD analog computer as an amplifier by simulating - rather than building - the following simulations are provided, below, using two daisy-chained LMDs exhibiting various amounts of resistance (impedance) at their inductive loads of one Henry, each ...

Simulated in Java -- Amperage vs Voltage is over Two Million to One -- load the text from the text below, or use this alternate Java Simulator.

Simulated in JavaScript -- Amperage vs Voltage is over Five Thousand to one.

I like this simulation since it uses twelve capacitors in its LMD modules hinting at a parallelism with the Tesla story/myth of a 1931 Pierce-Arrow conversion into an A/C motored EV which had used twelve (radio) tubes may have, instead, been twelve vacuum tube capacitors?

PS--Impedance may be reduced by adding a shunt resistor (of one Ohm, in this case) between the inductive loads. Shorting the two pairs of loads to each other also helps.

$ 1 5.0E-6 19.867427341514983 47 5.0 30
c 688 432 656 432 0 10.0 0.0
c 688 480 656 480 0 10.0 0.0
c 608 432 576 432 0 10.0 0.0
c 608 480 576 480 0 10.0 0.0
w 528 432 512 432 0
w 528 480 512 480 0
T 528 432 576 480 0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.999
T 608 432 656 480 0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.999
T 688 432 736 480 0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.999
x 730 584 818 587 4 12 20180820-1400
l 480 480 480 432 0 1.0 0.0
R 672 704 672 672 0 0 40.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 720 640 720 720 0
l 768 432 768 480 0 1.0 0.0
w 768 480 736 480 0
w 768 432 736 432 0
w 608 432 608 368 0
c 576 368 608 368 0 1.0 0.0
159 576 368 576 432 0 20.0 1.0E10
w 448 400 560 400 0
R 752 368 784 368 0 0 40.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.5
159 688 432 688 368 0 20.0 1.0E10
c 656 368 688 368 0 1.0 0.0
w 656 432 656 368 0
w 704 400 704 336 0
w 704 272 560 272 0
w 560 336 560 400 0
c 656 544 688 544 0 1.0 0.0
159 688 544 688 480 0 20.0 1.0E10
w 656 544 656 480 0
w 608 544 608 480 0
159 576 480 576 544 0 20.0 1.0E10
c 576 544 608 544 0 1.0 0.0
w 704 512 816 512 0
w 816 512 816 400 0
w 448 400 448 512 0
w 448 512 560 512 0
w 656 608 656 640 0
w 816 400 720 400 0
w 720 640 656 640 0
S 592 704 560 704 0 0 true 1
S 672 704 704 704 0 0 true 1
c 672 704 592 704 0 1.0E-6 0.0
l 736 480 736 432 0 1.0 0.0
l 512 432 512 480 0 1.0 0.0
w 480 432 512 432 0
w 480 480 512 480 0
w 720 352 720 400 0
w 720 400 704 400 0
w 608 608 608 656 0
w 608 656 560 656 0
w 560 656 560 688 0
w 720 720 704 720 0
x 444 641 592 644 4 12
w 656 368 656 304 0
c 656 304 688 304 0 1.0 0.0
159 688 368 688 304 0 20.0 1.0E10
159 576 304 576 368 0 20.0 1.0E10
c 576 304 608 304 0 1.0 0.0
w 608 368 608 304 0
w 560 272 560 336 0
w 704 272 704 336 0
w 656 608 656 544 0
159 688 608 688 544 0 20.0 1.0E10
c 656 608 688 608 0 1.0 0.0
c 576 608 608 608 0 1.0 0.0
159 576 544 576 608 0 20.0 1.0E10
w 608 608 608 544 0
w 704 512 704 576 0
w 560 512 560 576 0
w 768 432 832 432 0
w 832 432 832 288 0
w 800 256 464 256 0
w 432 272 432 480 0
w 432 480 480 480 0
w 480 432 480 240 0
w 480 240 848 240 0
w 848 272 848 464 0
w 816 480 768 480 0
S 464 256 432 256 0 1 false 2
S 816 480 848 480 0 1 false 2
S 720 352 752 352 0 1 false 2
x 464 223 809 226 4 12 and_10F-1F-1F_Capacitors_simulated_in_Java_vs_JavaScript
r 800 272 848 272 0 1.0
w 800 288 832 288 0
w 848 240 848 272 0
w 800 256 800 272 0
w 800 272 800 288 0
x 446 204 834 207 4 12 425_nano_vs_182_micro_Ohms_Impedance_from_1H_Transformers
o 10 64 0 289 5.0 0.1 0 -1
o 44 64 0 289 5.0 0.1 1 -1
o 43 64 0 290 5.0 0.1 2 -1